symbol picture: A woman has been assaulted by migrants and brought to hospital.

30. August 2018 / 12:29 Uhr

Woman, 74, Assaulted By Migrant In Broad Daylight Brought To Hospital

A 74-year-old woman has reportedly been stripped and sexually assaulted by
an immigrant from the West Indies who carried out the attack in broad
daylight next to a busy department store.

And according to the victim s family, one man had even walked by and did
nothing to intervene, even though it was clear what was going on.

The alleged attack took place outside the Galeries Lafayette store in
downtown Montauban on Soubirous-bas street early in the morning.

The woman had been walking her dog around the historic town centre, located
in the Tarn-et-Garonne department in southern France.

According to the victim s daughter a man had then suddenly attacked from
behind and carried out the shocking assault.

She said: “He followed her down the street. He then grabbed her by the
shoulders, attacked her and stripped her.”

He said that the attacker had then placed his fingers inside her but ran off
when her screams alerted a second passerby, who unlike the first person this
time intervened.

The witness then helped the woman to get to the nearby police station about
500 meters away from the location of the incident.

Although the attacker initially fled, he was arrested half an hour later
when police tapped into the CCTV cameras.

Police identified the suspect as a 35-year-old from the French territory of
Martiniquein the West Indies who was arrested on the Place Nationale in an
intoxicated state.

They said that he was working at a local logistics company in

According to the police, the suspect had spent the night drinking before
carrying out the attack and he was remanded in custody pending the
investigation at Montauban Police Station.

He has reportedly confessed his crime. The traumatised victim meanwhile has been taken to the Montauban Hospital.

Her daughter said: “She doesn t dare to leave her house to walk her dog. She
cannot remove the image of this drunk and violent man from her mind.”

The family of the 74-year-old are rather upset after they learnt that a
first passerby witnessed the scene and did nothing.

It was not until a second man of a certain age, also walking his dog, passed
by and intervened, that her ordeal ended.

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